Collective Circus is a group of young, aspiring circus artists based in South-East Queensland. Drawing upon a range of skills gathered from various performing arts backgrounds, Collective Circus strives to craft enthralling ground-based movement performance acts. Working with a fierce dedication and passion towards the arts, the Collective look forward to sharing our journey as we develop and grow as young emerging artists.
Collective Circus was founded by Zoe Joiner, who was inspired by the disparity within the emerging and professional circus scene. Recognising the limited opportunities for emerging circus artists, Zoe felt compelled to take action. Having graduated from youth circus herself, she encountered uncertainty about her next steps, a sentiment shared by many of her peers. This realisation led her to gather them together as a collective, determined to pursue their shared passion for circus arts.
Since its inception, Collective Circus has been dedicated to providing a platform for young artists transitioning from youth circus to the professional stage. Zoe's vision is to offer these emerging talents the opportunity to develop their skills as performers and gain valuable experience in various aspects of the industry. She believes that this transitional support is essential for young people entering the circus world, and she aims to create a more accessible pathway for their success.
Today, we strive to provide creative and make performance opportunities for young artists, giving them space to learn, collaborate and push boundaries taking the next step in their circus journey.